Our Humeston congregation is rich in denominational heritage, having deep roots and local history in two denominations, the Christian Church Disciples of Christ and the United Methodist Church. We are richly blessed, having been able to come together to form one united congregation. Our very existence is a rich witness to the possibility of Christian unity.
On World Communion Sunday 2009 we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ.
It was September 7, 1809 when Thomas Campbell presented to a small group of unity-minded pastors a document defining the basis on which Christian unity might be achieved.
This document, The Declaration and Address of the Christian Association, proposed the radical notion that all church members, whatever their denomination, should be able to commune at the Lord’s Table in each other’s place of worship.
At its heart is Proposition 1: “That the Church of Christ upon earth is essentially, intentionally, and constitutionally one..." Ending division among Christians was the reform Thomas Campbell, together with his son Alexander and his later friend Barton Stone, so passionately sought.
In his fiery eloquence Thomas Campbell wrote, “The cause we advocate is … the cause of Christ and our brethren of all denominations. Are we not all praying for that happy event, when there shall be but one fold, as there is but one chief Shepherd? What! Shall we pray for such a thing, and not strive to obtain it!”
The Stone-Campbell Movement of 200 years ago put forth a vision of Christ’s disciples, serving different callings but meeting at one Communion Table, and there enjoying together on earth a foretaste of the Great Heavenly Banquet prepared for all believers by Christ himself.
Come to the Table, Disciples Together, this Sunday, October 4th.
Help us celebrate how extraordinary our ordinary weekly gatherings for worship are.
Join us as we lift high Christ’s great vision for the church (John 17) “that they all be one.”
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