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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Financial Relief - God's Way

Starting October 4th – “Managing Our Finances God’s Way” – with Stan Lovett

Friends, the economy is still staggering. Families are struggling. Good people trying to pay their bills, save their job, and get out of debt, just can’t.

The parish is offering the community a class called
“Managing Our Finances God’s Way,”
a program of Crown Financial Ministries.

Humeston Public Library for 7 weeks
Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm
beginning October 4th.

Every Mormon Trail person, couple or family is welcome
Best for couples both to come
All workbook costs are waived

Plain-English budget and debt management tools from Iowa Extension Services will also be available.
The program is beneficial regardless of one’s economic level, spiritual outlook, or seriousness of financial concerns.

Stan Lovett, whose training has been with Crown Financial Ministries in North Carolina, will be leading.
The speakers on the DVD (Rick Warren, Chip Ingram, Chuck Bently, Howard Dayton, and Ron Blue)are the truly inspirational heavy hitters in the field.

Pre-registration is appreciated but so not necessary.

Here and in a growing number of churches couples are gathering
1. to review God’s principles of family financial management,
2. to support one another in applying those principles when the going gets tough,
3. to find relief and financial freedom for themselves, and
4. to better glorify God with their lives.

Check the website ( , or “Like” our page on Facebook ( ) to keep up on the “Managing Our Finances God’s Way” announcements.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Faith is the confidence of things hoped for and the assurance of things unseen. (Heb 11:1)

We think of faith, living the faith, walking the faith. When we think of sustaining faith we know we are the people of God in the world every day. We know that God watches out for us and hears our prayers. And that is one fine and reassuring definition of faith.

But a more radical definition of faith is the “get out of the boat” kind of faith, like when Jesus, walking on the water toward the frightened disciples in the boat, spoke to Peter and said, “Come.” Peter, of course, obeyed and walked on the water, too.

That kind of faith is really stepping into the unknown. It is a step of obedience and it follows upon God’s unique and specific word of direction to a believer.

When such a word from God comes to you and you step out of your boat, you immediately find yourself in uncharted territory, with no guide but God.

That’s when faith gets scary. And that’s when Jesus truly proves himself. It’s scary because you’ve never been there before and you really have no plan. It’s assuring because you experience Jesus’ strong hand rescuing you, guiding you, blessing and using you in the most wonderful and unimaginable ways.

There’s sustaining faith which is 24/7. And there’s radical, “get out of the boat” faith whenever God speaks an individual word of specific direction. Be assured that God is with you wherever you are in your faith journey today. Have faith.


A Fresh Start and Fall Schedules
With the beginning of school, September brings a fresh start for many of us. Our churches, schools and communities start up many programs. As you consider the options available, you might want to take a look at a) your life-style and b) your self-care practices and evaluate which ones would be most health-full for you.

What habits will you need to change or alter?
Do you want to schedule more time for physical activity,
or an intentional time of spiritual reflection or relaxation?
What about a specific night for a date with your spouse
or a time that the whole family spends together?

You can’t afford to be haphazard about self-care. Ask yourself these questions:
What is my greatest need?
Which one dimension needs my attention now?
Do I need to focus on
 caring for my physical body,
 strengthening my relationships,
 stretching myself intellectually,
 renewing myself spiritually, or
 managing my finances God’s way?

What do you have to do in order to GET FIT? The parish offers 3 fitness programs.
Physical fitness – Yoga Monday mornings, and afternoon Aerobics starting soon
Spiritual fitness – A 7-month spiritual challenge beginning in October (TBA)
Financial fitness – “Managing Our Finances God’s Way” Small Groups, Oct 1st. gracious in everything he does. God gives a hand to those down on their luck and gives a fresh start to those ready to quit. (Psalm 145: 17b-18 The Message)

I invite you look at your fall activities with an attitude adjustment, with a picture of a fresh start. I hope that you will intentionally create a health-full balance for yourself, and that our parish programs might serve you well as you work to GET FIT.

[This article adapted from and article written by Kae Tritle, RN & Wellness Coordinator for the Iowa Annual Conference of the UMC, for the September issue of Lower Lights, the online newsletter of the South Central District.]