Soul-Fitness Online

Air 1 Radio - The Positive Alternative - Our Favorite ------d365 - What's Your Purpose?------ Walk the Way - 2 minute - "Living Your Faith" Messages

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

#23 - The 5-Second Prayer

Five seconds can change your life.
How? you ask.
By learning and using this little prayer.

“Lord, help me to honor you in all of my relationships. Amen

Friends, Godly relationships are built on love and truth (1 Cor 13:4-7).

Learning to be honest in relationships requires a spiritual attitude adjustment.

Why? Because, so much in life is built on lies – the lies we tell ourselves, the lies we believe about others, the lies of our secret life, the lies we hide from God.

Start your spiritual attitude adjustment with this 5-second prayer.
“Lord, help me to honor you in all of my relationships. Amen”

This little prayer can help you adjust your attitude about God, about yourself, about those you live and work with, about people with different experiences, values and cultures. This little prayer can change your life.

Honor God in all your relationship and, believe me, miracles will follow.

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