Do you pray for the same things all the time? Use the same words over and over?
This can be a sign that YOU are more the center of your prayer life than you realize. The prayers have become YOUR prayers. And you are no longer letting God shape and re-shape, word and re-word YOUR prayers into prayers God can actually answer.
You do need to pray constantly, for the same people, and the same concerns. But Daily Prayer Guides can be useful in helping you get beyond seeking merely an outcome you want. They can tweak your prayers to lean more in the direction of seeking God's purpose and will.
Daily Prayer Guides are also a huge help when you cannot pray.
And when you are super-stressed and feel like you are absolutely going crazy, Daily Prayer Guides offer one single, simple, manageable thought for the day, to help you over those moments.
Our parish uses These Days and Upper Room. I like the Global Prayer Digest. Most 12-Step programs, like AA, have wonderful Day Books. And there is always the option to Google for a subscription or online version you like.
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