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Thursday, April 10, 2008

God's Truth from the Mission Field

In the Rick Wood article Are We Proclaiming a Defective Gospel? Rick is addressing the question whether the church equips new Christians to deal with hard times, and how the mission field might help us consider this question. He also asks whether there might be a connection between a weak Gospel and so many dropping out of church.

I believe in Mission. Always have. Why? Many reasons, but ONE most importantly.

God is greater than my mind can fathom. (Ok, so I have a small mind.) And God is more expansive than my country and my culture can possibly comprehend. (Ok, so I can't help but be prejudiced.)

From these and others thoughts I conclude that when I know God only as a protestant American I know way too little of God. (Ok, so I'm an idolator?)

I'm not satisfied knowing "my" God. I want to know the true and living God.

International friends and fellow servants of God have helped me see God more clearly.

A Palestinian pastor who fled the terror of fundamentalist Christians in Lebanon directed at him because of his cooperation with Muslims.

A pastor from Ghana with a congregation of thousands. He traveled by taxi 30 minutes to mimeograph meeting agendas, walked an hour in the pre-dawn to attend daily Bible study, faced down the President of Ghana on discrimination issues, and though it was of no interest to him personally, came to America to study pastoral care of the elderly as his local seminary had no one qualified to teach the subject.

A Sudanese man, one of the Lost Boys with whom I stood during worship to sing Amazing Grace. Do you recall the words? Through many dangers, toils and snares; I have already come; 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.

Are we, am I preaching a soft Gospel that keeps the comfortable happy? Or. Are we, am I spiritually equipping the saints to remain victorious in Christ while enduring the cruelist hardships this life has to offer? I'm doing some soul-searching here. Join me on the journey. Add your comment. Dale

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