Soul-Fitness Online

Air 1 Radio - The Positive Alternative - Our Favorite ------d365 - What's Your Purpose?------ Walk the Way - 2 minute - "Living Your Faith" Messages

Monday, February 16, 2009

# 49 - Fasting

Fast for one meal a day for a week, or from eating for a whole day, or from an activity.
The battle of prayer is against two things: wandering thoughts and lack of intimacy with God. Fasting confirms our dependence upon God as we find in Him a source of sustenance beyond food. As bodily food fattens the body, so fasting strengthens the soul
Is it because we have nibbled so long at the table of the world that our souls are stuffed with small things? There’s nothing magical about fasting. It’s just one way of telling God that your priority at that moment is to be alone with him. When exercised with a pure heart and a right motive, fasting may provide us with a key to unlock doors where other keys have failed.

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