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Thursday, June 18, 2009

# 63 - Reality Prayer

Are you like me when you pray? Since in prayer I’m talking with God, I kind of clean up my act and pray from the “more ideal” side of me. But God knows me through and through, the Psalmist says, having formed me in my mother’s womb. So the question is, “how can I be really real and honestly down-to-earth in my prayers?” Here’s a suggestion. Everyone keeps records – calendars, check registers, old “to-do” lists, diaries and journals, tax files, travel or usage logs, and, on the internet, “cookies” and “favorites.” Go back to some past month. Select one of the above and pray about each and every entry. Now that’s reality! and a solid basis for genuine prayer. But watch out. Reality prayer has been know to change lives.

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